Saturday, January 24, 2015

THE STORY of Dr. Kassabekova:

I am so happy and grateful that we are helping a lot of families create more time and freedom and earn extra money in their spare time.

I love the story of Dr. Kassabekova and her family. Here is what Dr. Kassabekova from Kazakhstan had to say:

"I am a Medical doctor. I joined MLM industry in 2007 for wellness and residual income. When I started to build my team, I met a lot of great, interesting people, traveled thru many countries and cities. By creating my own business I have the opportunity to plan my life according to my needs, such as: when to work, when to travel, conduct meetings and go on vacations. I value my time and time of people that surround me. Now I have the time and ability to spend as much time with my family, as I want. While I was working as an MD in a hospital, I didn’t have such luxury as the ability to plan my life and have any free time. When I joined FGXpress I increased my income ten times. Combination of a unique product and seamless logistics, it is possible to build a vast international business with an amazing residual income. When you have a goal, there are always ways to reach it. I am very grateful for the support of my family, my husband, children, and my parents. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to work in this business. I am also very grateful for my team, who believed in me and chose to walk with me this path. Every one of them creates their own unique and successful life stories. I am in awe of my sponsors, and have tremendous respect for them. I am very grateful for their belief in me, for their immense contribution in my professional growth, and, for giving me the ability to have a full an exciting life. I am extremely grateful that my life turned out as it is. I wish you all great success, effortless life path, reaching your goals and to be happy and enjoy every moment of your life and always be grateful! I have big plans for expanding my business together with FG Xpress, and strong belief in succeeding in it beyond my wildest dreams!"                                          CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY!

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